• The plan to withdraw BT and Openreach’s old copper-based analogue line services (PSTN phones and WLR), which was due to complete by December 2025, has been delayed until 31st January 2027 in order to give ISPs, telecare providers and consumers more time to adapt.

The world of telecommunications is quickly changing and if your business is relying on traditional analogue or ISDN lines then you need to take action soon.

In a few short years, BT Openreach will be switching off these old lines, meaning all of your systems will be rendered obsolete. Alarm lines, fax machines, video conferencing systems, PDQs and emergency lift lines are just some of the services that will be affected – so the sooner you start planning, the better.

To make sure the transition is smooth and hassle-free, you should appoint a switch off coordinator such as Excel Communications to help manage the process. It’s essential that you keep up with the times and take the necessary steps to protect your business and make sure you don’t suffer any disruption to operations.

Although the process may seem intimidating, don’t let that put you off. More than 1.3 million businesses have already made the switch and the quicker you act, the sooner you can reap the rewards.

For help and advice on how to make the transition to VoIP, you can find plenty of information on this webpage. Take action now and you won’t regret it!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the BT Openreach Switch-Off Program we are here to help. You can call our switch off team on 03333 660 770 or email us at info@excel-comms.co.uk.

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